Frequently asked questions

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Get A cash offer

Frequently asked questions

Let's work together
Get A cash offer

We’re in the business of win-win!

We understand you may have additional questions since the Q&A below is not an exhaustive list. If that is the case, please fill out the form on the right hand side and we will contact you right away!


Who Typically Sells Houses to CashBuyerSD?

All types of people sell to us. Though it is usually people who want to sell a house quickly to a trusted home buyer who can make a fast cash offer and close quickly. Some of the reasons people sell to us:

  • People who inherited a property and want to sell fast
  • People who rent out properties that have become a problem for them.
  • Job transfers or are relocating to a different state / country.
  • Going through a divorce
  • Facing foreclosure as a result of falling behind on mortgage payments
  • Owners not wanting to go through structural or repair issues
  • And more.. 
What types of houses are we buying?

We’re willing to buy homes that are in poor, distressed conditions or may not be attractive to all buyers, for whatever reason. Here are some examples of the types of homes we have bought in the past:


  • Structural issues such as electrical, roofing, plumbing or foundational issues.
  • Homes in less than desirable areas
  • High-interest or undesirable mortgage financing situations
  • Owners who can’t handle high payments or balances which have gotten out of control
  • Unfortunate life situations for the owner such as death, divorce or tragedy.
  • Owners who’s lives have changed thus needing a larger, smaller home or a more convenient location.
Do we only buy old houses?

We cater to all types of buyers. Our buyers are mostly interested in a good investment opportunity, regardless of the condition of the house.

How does the buying process work?

We make the entire process as simple as possible in 3 easy steps


  1. Call us to schedule a visit or fill out the form on the right.
  2. We come visit you and make a cash offer
  3. Once accepted, we close on your schedule
Will you pay market value for my house?

Cash Buyers of San Diego as well as our partners are all real estate investors. As real estate investors, we invest time and money to rehab properties and make money only when the property is back on the market for resale. While Cash buyers of San Diego does buy at a discount, selling to us provides a ton of benefits which includes:


  • You pay zero commissions or fees as you would normally with a realtor.
  • We cover all your closing costs
  • We pay 100% cash and there are no delays like dealing with a traditional bank or institution
  • You can move on with your life knowing that you don’t ever need to do repairs or clean things up
  • If you’re in a rush, we can close in as little as one-two weeks otherwise, it is on your timeline.
How Do You Determine The Cash Offer You'll Make For My Home?

When we evaluate your home, we will consider all the following factors to determine the price we will pay:

  • The amount of real estate commissions needed to sell the house
  • The renovation costs
  • The future value of the house compared to there homes in the area
  • The amount of time & money it will take to renovate the house
  • The current condition of your house.

The estimated future value of the renovated house, minus the costs helps us determine the cash offer that we make.

Do You Buy Condos And Other Types Of Homes?

Yes, we buy all types of homes.

Do You Charge A Fee For Visiting My House And Making An Offer?

Absolutely not. We do this entirely at no charge.

Am I Under Any Obligation At All If I Request A Cash Offer Or Arrange A Visit?

We’re more than happy to visit your home and evaluate your situation. There is absolutely no cost associated with this process. You’re free to accept or reject the offer and owe nothing to us.


Who Is 'Cash Buyers of San Diego?'

Cash Buyers of San Diego is a corporation based in San Diego, California. We’re real estate investors who purchase homes from people like you to rehab, rent out or keep as part of our portfolio. We also have joint venture partners that we work with on occasion.



We’re in the business of win-win!

We understand you may have additional questions since the Q&A below is not an exhaustive list. If that is the case, please fill out the form on the right hand side and we will contact you right away!


Who Typically Sells Houses to cashbuyersd?

All types of people sell to us. Though it is usually people who want to sell a house quickly to a trusted home buyer who can make a fast cash offer and close quickly. Some of the reasons people sell to us:

  • People who inherited a property and want to sell fast
  • People who rent out properties that have become a problem for them.
  • Job transfers or are relocating to a different state / country.
  • Going through a divorce
  • Facing foreclosure as a result of falling behind on mortgage payments
  • Owners not wanting to go through structural or repair issues
  • And more.. 
What houses are we buying?

We’re willing to buy homes that are in poor, distressed conditions or may not be attractive to all buyers, for whatever reason. Here are some examples of the types of homes we have bought in the past:


  • Structural issues such as electrical, roofing, plumbing or foundational issues.
  • Homes in less than desirable areas
  • High-interest or undesirable mortgage financing situations
  • Owners who can’t handle high payments or balances which have gotten out of control
  • Unfortunate life situations for the owner such as death, divorce or tragedy.
  • Owners who’s lives have changed thus needing a larger, smaller home or a more convenient location.
Do we only buy old houses?

We cater to all types of buyers. Our buyers are mostly interested in a good investment opportunity, regardless of the condition of the house.

How does the buying process work?

We make the entire process as simple as possible in 3 easy steps


  1. Call us to schedule a visit or fill out the form on the right.
  2. We come visit you and make a cash offer
  3. Once accepted, we close on your schedule
Will you pay market value for my house?

Cash Buyers of San Diego as well as our partners are all real estate investors. As real estate investors, we invest time and money to rehab properties and make money only when the property is back on the market for resale. While Cash buyers of San Diego does buy at a discount, selling to us provides a ton of benefits which includes:


  • You pay zero commissions or fees as you would normally with a realtor.
  • We cover all your closing costs
  • We pay 100% cash and there are no delays like dealing with a traditional bank or institution
  • You can move on with your life knowing that you don’t ever need to do repairs or clean things up
  • If you’re in a rush, we can close in as little as one-two weeks otherwise, it is on your timeline.
How Do You Determine The Cash Offer You'll Make For My Home?

When we evaluate your home, we will consider all the following factors to determine the price we will pay:

  • The amount of real estate commissions needed to sell the house
  • The renovation costs
  • The future value of the house compared to there homes in the area
  • The amount of time & money it will take to renovate the house
  • The current condition of your house.

The estimated future value of the renovated house, minus the costs helps us determine the cash offer that we make.

Do You Buy Condos And Other Types Of Homes?

Yes, we buy all types of homes.

Do You Charge A Fee For Visiting My House And Making An Offer?

Absolutely not. We do this entirely at no charge.

Am I Under Any Obligation At All If I Request A Cash Offer Or Arrange A Visit?

We’re more than happy to visit your home and evaluate your situation. There is absolutely no cost associated with this process. You’re free to accept or reject the offer and owe nothing to us.


Who Is 'Cash Buyers of San Diego?'

Cash Buyers of San Diego is a corporation based in San Diego, California. We’re real estate investors who purchase homes from people like you to rehab, rent out or keep as part of our portfolio. We also have joint venture partners that we work with on occasion.





Get a cash offer today!



Cash Buyers of San Diego

5666 La Jolla Blvd
La Jolla CA 92037

(562) 395-3641

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Cash Buyers of San Diego